Pirates and Mermaids Invade Belmont Pier

Beware, Pirate Invasion of Belmont Pier June 28- 29, 2014On June 28th and 29th, pirates and mermaids invaded Belmont Pier for the 4th Annual Pirate Invasion & Mermaid Festival.

Pirates and Mermaids from around the coast of California, gathered to shake their sea legs and allow for land lovers to take part in the annual event. The invasion had sword fights, costume contests, live music, belly dancing, a treasure hunt, and more.

According to Lady Velvet Kiss of the The Booty Lounge, the event this year has more than doubled in size from last year until now. She anticipates that the event will be even larger next year.

The Pirate Invasion & Mermaid Festival is a collaboration between The Port of Long Beach’s Summer Beach Party and Alfredo’s Beach Club. Groups such as The Booty Lounge setup a unique experience filled with a number of activities. The Booty Lounge had a small jail for visitor to take pictures in, or if they needed a timeout from drinking all that rum. The Queen of the Booty Lounge said that the Booty Lounge is a place to improve moral, “even if that means a good flogging.” She also said that the Booty Lounge was host to fire dancing and belly dancing.

The festival was not complete without appearances by famous pirates, such as Captain Morgan and Captain Jack Sparrow. One of Captain Jack Sparrows fan played him this song.

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The Pirate Invasion and Mermaid Festival kicks off the Summer Beach Party. The events in the Summer Beach Party include Moonlight Movies on the Beach4th of July Party on the Pier, and Love Long Beach Festival.